WLAF 2023 Annual Contributors


The Wisconsin Library Association Foundation thanks the following individuals for contributions made and processed January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. We are grateful for your generosity and continued support!

Every attempt is made to accurately reflect gifts to the Foundation. If you have made a donation and do not see your name on this list, please contact the WLA office by calling 608.245.3640 or emailing [email protected]

Contributing Partner | $1,000-$4,999

Jane Pearlmutter & Steven Scheibel*
Jean Yeomans*

Platinum Circle | $500-$999

Constance Meyer 

Gold Circle | $250 - $499 

Elaine Angst
Anders Dahlgren*
Anita Evans*
Barbara and Bill Kelly**
Network for Good
Larry Nix**


Silver Circle | $100 - $249

Jo Don Anderson
Claudia Backus
Kathryn Barbasiewicz*
Robert Bocher* & Mary O'Connor
Charles Bunge
Nick & Kristine Dimassis
Jeff & Lisa Featherstone
Virginia Follstad
Jack Fry*
Dianne Hopkins**
John Jax
Richard Krumwiede**

Sherrill Munson*
Robert Pfeiffer*
Kathy Pletcher*
Alice Sturzl**
Tracy Vreeke
James Warczak*
Michael Watkins*
Kristine Wendt*


Bronze Circle | $1 - $99

Helen Adams
Rachel Arndt
Lori Belongia*
Ellen Buchberger*
Patricia Chevis*
Sally Drew*
Carol Gibson
Carol Hardin
Catherine Markwiese*


Kathy Michaelis
Mark Morse*
Skip Mosshamer
Louise Olszewski 
Gerald Perona*
Gina Rae
Barbara Ritchie
Laura Sauser
Marla Sepnafski*
Coral Swanson**

David Weinhold*
Barbara Wentzel*


*Indicates a donor who has contributed for 10+ years.
**Indicates a donor who has contributed for 20+ years.